Emergency repairs by Severn Trent have meant the closure of a stretch of Bridge Street, Stretton. This does not mean the ‘no-entry’ signs leading in to The Green can be ignored and this road used as a diversion. This road is still one way. Motorists wanting to get to Main Street or Church Road MUST turn around and use Lancelot Drive and Guinevere Avenue to get on to Church Road. This is a very short diversion.
Workmen have placed cones on the road to try and reinforce to drivers that they should not attempt to drive up this way. But sadly, many are taking their chances.
The serious dangers of driving the wrong way up the one-way road are worse than ever now because far more cars than usual are coming up it the right way. All the traffic coming down Church Road from Claymills, that would usually turn right into Bridge Street, and all the traffic coming up Hillfield Lane, that would usually go straight across the junction, is being diverted up the one-way street the right way. This means motorists who ignore the no entry signs are risking ruining someone’s Christmas – or possibly their own – through an accident.