Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Ambitious plans for Burton’s future will be shaped by nearly 900 responses to a public consultation.
Residents were asked for their views on how funding could be used to help the town prosper and organisers were delighted with the number of people who engaged with the process.
In October, a public consultation of the Town Deal Board proposals was undertaken by an independent company commissioned to conduct the consultation and analyse the findings.
You can now read the results on East Staffordshire Borough Council’s website at: http://www.eaststaffsbc.gov.uk/burton-town-regeneration-programme/regeneration/towns-fund
The proposed interventions were identified by the Town Deal Board as a way of addressing the challenges facing the town, such as connectivity and enterprise and skills, as well as wanting to make the most of opportunities presented by the hidden heritage of the town and the significance of the river running through the centre of Burton.
Ben Robinson MBE, Chairman of the Town Deal Board, said: “It is reassuring to see that there was not a single one of the 11 proposals that had a net negative response from the Burton public. The Town Deal Board will now consider the findings of the public consultation and stakeholder engagement as it looks to create a final shortlist of intervention proposals for Burton’s bid to the Town’s Fund.
“I can confirm that in determining the final ranking of proposals, the public consultation and stakeholder engagement responses will each equal 10% of the overall score, totalling 20% together. The Town Deal Board’s ranking of proposals will also equal 10%, other evaluation criteria include benefit and cost ratios, alignment with the Government framework, evidence of need, and reasoning for the proposals.
The Town Deal Board received around 900 responses to the public consultation in addition to conducting two rounds of Key Stakeholder Engagement workshops, both of which build upon the significant consultation undertaken in 2018/19 that informed the Burton Regeneration Strategy.
URBED, the independent company conducting the stakeholder engagement and public consultation, stated: “As a company that regularly facilitates public consultation, we were very impressed by the level of engagement with the Burton Town Investment Plan proposals – receiving nearly 900 completed questionnaires. As in all consultation, opinions differ, but what was clear to us is how passionate people are about this historic market town, with respondents dedicating substantial time and consideration into sharing ideas and offering valuable feedback on the proposed projects.”
Programmes and Transformation
East Staffordshire Borough Council
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